Magic Tube

Merchandise details

Magic Tube
・The magic fasteners permit the tube to be fit and released quickly without using a tool.
・Available in 8 sizes from 15φ to 100φ, the tube ensures ideal insulation for different wiring needs.
・Quick and easy to fit and release, the tube makes it easy to change or check the wiring.
・The material is so flexible that it can fit any shape and help produce a neat appearance.
・Partially detachable, the tube permits the branching of wiring.
・The reversible type (black and gray) flexibly meets application purposes.
・The reversible type (black and gray) flexibly satisfies inventory needs, contributing a lot to inventory reduction.
Type List(KMT-N)
Designation Format
Reversible type:
KMT-N(Nominal Size)R
Example: Nominal size of
20φ > KMT-N20R
Gray type:
KMT-N(Nominal Size)G
Example: Nominal size of
20φ > KST-N20G
Reversible type (black  & gray)
Packaging and Packaging Unit
Every 25m of a tube is packed in a compact cardboard case. When using the tube, you can just pull the required length out of the slot of the case.