Coporate profile


Coporate profile



Inaugurated in 1969

Aichi Prefecture Governor Award for the Excellent Small & Medium Enterprise.
Director-General of the Small & Medium Enterprise Agency Award for the Excellent Small & Medium Enterprise.
ISO 9001 certification acquisition in October.
ISO 14001 certification acquisition in December.

President CEO  Makoto Kato
Location Head Office
17-22 Shioiri-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 467-0851 Japan
TEL(052)821-7710 FAX(052)821-6232
Tokyo Office
5F, Sumitomo Seimei Gotanda Bldg. 5-1-11 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032 Japan
TEL(03)3779-8691 FAX(03)3779-5442
Osaka Office
5F, Kouraibashi West Bldg. 4-5-2 Kouraibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0043 Japan
TEL(06)6233-9300 FAX(06)6233-9302
Hiroshima Office
7F, Mitsui-seimei Hiroshima-ekimae Bldg. 1-23 Kyobashi-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 732-0828 Japan
TEL(082)536-0001 FAX(082)536-0001
Toyota Factory
8-20 Obayashi-cho, Toyota City, Aichi 473-0902 Japan
TEL(0565)26-4880 FAX(0565)27-4122
Togo Factory
50 Aza Kosaka, Oaza Haruki, Togo-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi 470-0162 Japan
TEL(0561)38-3015 FAX(0561)38-3016
Parent Company KOWA KOUGYO Co.,Ltd
Description of business Manufacture and sale of profile extrusion molding products , electric/electronic wiring member and EMC Components.

Quality policy / Environment policy

■Quality policy
Fundamental philosophy
We conscientiously supply the best products to our customers and contribute the society through our products.
1.We try improvement of products to meet customer needs.
2.We try to keep continuous improvement through effective operation of the quality management
3.We set the quality targets and confirm the target achievement status, and review them
   from time to time.
4.The quality targets shall be thoroughly known by all employees as a guideline for the activities
   by all-member participation.
■Environment policy
Fundamental philosophy
Kowa Kasei Co., Ltd. hereby declares to harmonize corporate activities and the global environment through manufacture and sale of wiring materials, materials for distribution boards as well as resin molding products used for automobiles and industrial machines recognizing that retention of the sound global environment to the next generation is one of the most important issues for the management, and to tackle the environmental activities by the whole company for the benefit of the society.
1.We try to prevent environmental pollution through compliance of legal regulations, ordinances and
   codes related to the environment.
2.We try to keep continuous improvement through effective operation of the environment
   management system.
3.We set the environment purposes/targets and regularly review them based on the achievement
4.We aggressively promote environment training and educational activities to improve the
   environmental consciousness of all employees. The environment policy shall be thoroughly known
   by all employees and it will be disclosed to the outside of our company as requested.
5.All departments of the company will make suggestions about energy saving and 3R (Reduce,
   Reuse, Recycle) and promote environment protection activities.