Contact Us

Contact us / Email request form

Please use for catalog requests, sample requests and various inquiries / requests

  • For urgent inquiries, please call us.
  • Please be sure to fill in the mandatory fields (*).
  • The personal information you fill in will only be used to respond to inquiries.
  • We cannot deal with your request appropriately if you do not fill in the form completely. Please write the information correctly including your email address.

    Name *

    Company name /
    Organization name *

    Department name

    Postal code *

    Address *

    Email address *

    Email address (for confirmation) *

    Telephone number *

    Inquiry item *

    Contents (please specify details)

    Certificate issuance request form

    Please use for requesting a certificate issuance.

      Name *

      Company name /
      Organization name *

      Department name

      Requested documents *

      RoHS compliance certificateCertificate of non-applicabilityOther

      Company name to be submitted to *

      Applicable product
      (please enter part number) *

      Email address *

      Email address (for confirmation) *

      Postal code *

      Address *

      Telephone number *


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